To be a leading commercial and industrial hub with an efficient, effective, sustainable and resilient land, housing, infrastructural and transport management systems
Kitale is located in Western Kenya region and is situated between Mount Elgon and the Cherangani Hills. It is located at 1° 0′ 56” North, 35° 0′ 22” East with an elevation of around 1,897 m. It is 62 km from Eldoret, 326 km from Nairobi and 766 km from Mombasa. Kitale is about 12 km away from Mt. Elgon National Park, and is also close to Saiwa Swamp National Park .
Administrative boundaries
Kitale is the largest urban area and Trans Nzoia County’s administrative capital.The boundaries of the Municipality cover parts of Saboti Sub County(Tuwan, Kinyoro and Matisi Wards), Kiminini Sub County(Hospital, Sirende and Waitaluk Wards) and Kwanza Sub County( Bidii and Kapomboi Wards).
Environment and Natural Resources
Kitale has ecologically delicate areas including rivers, forests and green spaces.The main ecologically sensitive areas are section 6 forest, KCC forest, Block 10 forest, Museum nature trail, Koitobos River, Machinjoni River and wetlands.
Kitale Municipality, has a cool and temperate climate with mean maximum (day time) temperatures ranging 23.4 C and 28.4 C and mean minimum (night time)temperatures ranging between 11.0 C and 13.50 C.
The maximum and minimum extreme temperature is recorded in February about (34.20 C) and January (about 6.50 C). Rainfall received within the municipality ranges between 1000mm and 1700 mm.